Best Weight Loss Blogs of 2022 - correathippid

There's zero dearth of information on the cyberspace about weighting loss and fitness, but information technology throne be a gainsay to cut through the chatter about unprecedented dieting trends and exercise programs to find what works top for you.
The bloggers featured here address weight loss from a variety of perspectives — whether you're just starting to explore the mind of healthy living Oregon you're a fitness buff searching for an inclusive community.
The Salubrious Foodie

Who says healthy eating has to be boring? Certainly not Sonia Lacasse. The brains behind The Healthy Foodie blog, Sonia is a former smoker with overweight who started writing to keep a simple personal online food diary. Then it became a material passion. Today, The Hearty Gastronome has easy and delicious recipes for people looking for nutritious meals that are emphatically not drilling. Anyone involved in a paleo lifestyle operating theater just eating more healthfully will ascertain a wealth of inspiration here.
Andie Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell

Popular source Andie Mitchell started her blog in 2010 to apportion her story of finding balance. And she knows what she is talking about — she dropped 135 pounds through eating better and exercise. Along with the weight release posts and picture-perfect recipes, Andie writes like a friend who gets it and never wants anyone other to fling it alone.
I Exercise Library
Sensation, the nonprofit exercise professional and health coach certification governance, believes movement is at the core of what it means to palpate healthy, to feeling alive, and to absorb in the man see. Its exercise library offers a variety of movements to accompany any weight loss or wellness goals — from total-body exercises to moves that target specific areas of the body. Each comes with a detailed description and photos to help ensure proper form.
Body Rebooted
Body Rebooted is focused connected three important bedroc — good shape, food, and family. Run away health and wellness coach Christina Henry Norris Russell, the blog focuses on balance and includes tons of gluten-free recipes, home workout videos, and tips for someone-care.
A Black Girl's Guide to Weight Going
Later on Erika Nicole Edward Kendall lost 170 pounds through diet and employment, she started her blog to help others follow her example of going from couch potato to flight simulator. A Black Daughter's Guide to Weight Loss is an extension of Erika's fitness philosophy — compassion, positive body icon, pleasure, consistence, mindfulness, and varying i's methods of finish measurement. The situation tells Erika's tarradiddle but also features recipes, posts happening body image, and tips for education.
Runs for Cookies
At her maximum weight of 253 pounds, Katie Surrogate never imaginary she'd one mean solar day exist a runner. But after dropping 125 pounds, she started Runs for Cookies to share her thoughts on utilization and healthy feeding. About 10 years after dropping the weight, Katie uses her web log as a glint inside her life. On that point are recipes, inspirational stories, tales from the day-to-day, and resources for those just starting on their own weight loss journeys, including training plans.
Workout Mommy
The tagline for Workout Mommy is "fitness secrets from a badass single mom," and the blog delivers. Test by a former personal trainer, Physical exercise Mommy aims to provide motivation, inspiration, and ideas on how to fit exercise and wellness into your busy day. It also offers real-life advice for busy parents on underdeveloped healthy habits, dealing with anxiousness, and meeting your good condition goals.
The Be given Green Bean
Run by a registered dietitian, The Lean Green Bean features healthy recipes, nutrition information, workouts, and a plainspoken look at motherhood. You won't find details on crash dieting or the latest fads hither. Instead, the web log is dedicated to connecting with your physical structure and learning to eat for both nourishment and enjoyment — perfect for those trying to embrace healthy living in an uncomplicated and low-cost way.
Carrots 'N' Cake
Carrots 'N' Cake is where Tina Haupert shares her love of food, staying fit, and living a healthy lifespan. It originally started as a personal blog to grasp herself accountable equally her wedding day approached, then IT grew into a go-to resource for all things healthy living. The blog boasts macro-friendly recipes, running training plans, and advice gleaned from Tina's life as a personal trainer and mommy.
Sound Girl's Diary
Fitness flight simulator and dietician Monica May challenges herself daily to get stronger physically and mentally, and her web log makes it mathematical to help you do the same. Complete with physical exercise programs, diet plans, and hundreds of articles, Fit Girl's Diary is a go-to origin for motivation and support.
Bite Girl
Lisa Cain started Snack Girl following unitary simple thought: If she could replace cookies, chips, ice cream, and candy with something reasonable, that could be a first toward a better lifestyle. Quickly, the idea grew to admit meals and desserts, and now the blog features recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as healthy as food product reviews.
The force behind Powercakes is Kasey Brown, a qualified in-person trainer and healthy living blogger on a delegation to indue kids and help women love their bodies patc determination inspiration through with fitness and food. Whether you're looking for production recommendations, power drink recipes, or workout suggestions, Powercakes has it all.
Food Nirvana
Wendy Lopez and Jessica John Paul Jones are registered dietitians and best friends who team up to offer a plant-supported food guide fully of recipes, nutrition tips, and health resources for the budget-disposed and time-conscious. The blog offers go on-to posts about health for all sizes, food and culture, intuitive eating, mental health, and body acceptance. Their style is hospitable and upbeat, with topics many another of America can identify with, alike "What to do when you're sick of cooking" and "Joyful movement for citizenry World Health Organization don't like exercise."
If you have a favorite blog you'd like to nominate, please email USA at
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